Week 5 - Communicating data science results effectively

Tips for effective data visualization, communication of results, and collaboration 💬

Dan Mills, Amazon Region with borders (with the estimated number of nations and tribes at European contact marked in black, and the estimated current number marked in colors), 2020, acrylic on collage laid down on board, 55 x 46 inches



You can access the course videos on YouTube. You can also find a playlists for all course videos on YouTube here.

01 Tips for effective data visualization 37:35
02 Scientific studies and confounding 17:15
03 Simpson’s paradox 15:29
04 Doing data science 18:54

Class Activities

Project Xaringan Basics and Beyond Tue, 15 Feb
Field Trip Dan Mill’s Studio Thu, 17 Feb


Due this week
Project Team contract Tue, 15 Feb, 23:59 EST
HW 04 Majors Wed, 23 Feb, 23:59 EST
Project Proposal Mon, 28 Feb, 23:59 EST
Q 04 Coding style Sun, 20 Feb, 23:59 EST
Due in two weeks
R 02 Field Trip Reflection Tue, 1 Mar, 23:59 EST
HW 05 Lego Sales Fri, 4 Mar, 23:59 EST
Q 05 Scrape + iterate Sun, 6 Mar, 23:59 EST

If you’re having difficulty accessing your HW or Lab repo, see troubleshooting advice here.


📖 R4DS::Chp 7 - Exploratory data analysis Required
📖 IMS::Sec 6.1 - Case study: Effective communication of exploratory results Required
📖 IMS::Sec 2.1 Study design Required
📖 IMS::Sec 2.2 - Experiments Required
📖 Tidyverse style guide::Part 1 - Analyses (Chp 1-5) Optional

Field Trip!!

We will be going to visit Dan Mills studio in Lewiston. Dan is director of the Bates Museum of Art and a lecturer in the Humanities.

Dan makes paintings and works on paper that visualize observations about current and historic events that impact our time. He uses the conceptual space of maps, combined with paint, collage, drawing, and printmaking to explore data in highly abstracted representations that vary in size from the diminutive dimensions of an atlas page to paintings over twelve feet wide.

Directions and travel plan to studio coming soon!

Interactive R tutorials

The following are interactive R tutorials, designed to give you more practice with R. These are optional, but they will give you some more hands-on experience with a topic. If you’re struggling with any of the topics covered this week, we strongly recommend you work through the interactive tutorials.

Lego sales Related to Homework 5